Speech by Adrianna Aiello-Mardero, July 27 2014

Posted in Congresso Highlights

Hello, bundi, my name is Adrianna Aiello-Mardero and I am a member of the Fogolâr of Winnipeg. I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to come to this year’s congresso here in Friuli. Firstly, I just want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who organized this amazing event.

Despite the short time we have been together here in Friuli, I have never had the opportunity to see so much of the region. It gave me a stronger appreciation for the country my family comes from. As if my desire to get up and move here wasn't strong enough. My favourite thing about Friuli is how beautiful and pristine it is. My Zia always says “1 ora in montagna e 1 ora al mare”.

These five days were so informative and incredible. I absolutely loved visiting all the small towns, churches and getting to eat at all the different restaurants around Friuli. Mind you, if I have to eat any more prosciutto I think I might die.  

I found this trip gave me a stronger connection to my roots. I have had the opportunity to meet many amazing people on this trip and make friends that I will have for the rest of my life. It's amazing how easy it is to create friendships with people who have the same cultural background. As we are sitting around the table making jokes about being yelled at in Furlan. The memories of this trip will stay with me for the rest of my life.

As we are the next generation for the fogolârs, I personally will make sure that my future children will get to have the same opportunities that we have had in the last 5 days. We had such an amazing time together and I hope we have a youth gathering very soon! Thanks for everyone who organized.

Adrianna Aiello-Mardero