WelcomeThe Fogolârs Federation of Canada is the connecting link between the Fogolârs/ Fameis throught the country. This link, and the ability of being of service to big and small communities, is the main purpose of this national association. The structure of the Federation can be visualized as a pyramid with the Fogolârs/ Fameis on top and the executives of the Federation at the base.

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Alla Famiglia di Pieri Pittaro,
La Federazione dei Fogolars del Canada, del suo Direttivo, ci uniamo al vostro dolore per il grave lutto che vi ha colpito. Vogliate accettare le nostre piu sentite condoglianze per la vostra grande perdita. Pieri era un grandissimo amico dei friulani del Canada, non lo dimenticheremo mai.

Giuseppe Toso

Congresso 2024 - Information

Fogolars Federation Congresso Logo“Fogolârs 2024” in Windsor, Ontario
August 8 to August 11, 2024

Windsor and Essex County is located right at the southernmost tip of Canada. This region is home to a booming agricultural centre, a historic automotive district, an evolving manufacturing sector and a multitude of picturesque natural landmarks. Since 1961, it has also been home to the
Fogolâr Furlan Club of Windsor. Right in the heart of the city, the Fogolâr boasts a beautiful banquet hall and restaurant facility nestled within forested grounds.

Over the years, the Fogolâr has become a staple venue in the city. It is known for a variety of things, from delicious food to community outreach. Maintaining and teaching about the Friulian culture has always been a big part of the Fogolâr.

Throughout the weekend of “Fogolârs 2024” we are inviting all of you and your families to comeand see what makes the Fogolâr Furlan Club of Windsor so special. We will be showcasing our facilities, and even more importantly, introducing a number of our members and friends who will be sharing their expertise and knowledge with you.

We will be offering tours and workshops curated especially for our delegates. These will involve historic district walking tours, local history lectures, art workshops, culinary classes and even specially designed youth programs in our Fogolâr Field House. Within all of these, you will see
Friulian heritage and cultural significance shining through.

We have a lot of pride in our club and we are excited to share that with all of you. This will be the third time Windsor has been given the opportunity to host the “Fogolârs” congresso. This will be a unique event as we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Fogolârs Federation of Canada.


We are all looking forward to the opportunity to get together again and network with Friulians from across Canada and internationally. We have a congresso committee in place in Windsor that is ready to welcome you and show you all the things we love about our community, our club and our

Registration packages will be available shortly and will be sent to all of the Fogolârs Federation of Canada member clubs and associations. Please mark these dates in your calendars. We cannot wait to see you in Windsor!

Hotel Accommodations for “Fogolârs 2024”

Holiday Inn Express
33 Riverside Drive E.
Windsor ON

Booking Information: Windsor Congress 2024

Phone: 1-519-258-7774, use telephone code: WCG
Room blocks will only be held until July 8, 2024.
Please make sure that you reserve your room early!


ICAP is pleased to announce the completion of Phase 1 of the ICAP FF Canada project completed in July and August 2023. ICAP is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization that connects, engages and assists communities or individuals across Canada to search out their local Italian-Canadian story and preserve their heritage for the future. TheFogolârs Federation of Canada joined ICAP as an institutional member in 2018 and, as part of the benefits ICAP provides to its members, ICAP was able to organize an archival standards project in order to secure the existing materials and records located on the second floor of the FFT clubhouse, an office soon to be vacated as a result of the sale of the FFT clubhouse to Primont in order to be redeveloped into a condominium site. The project was made possible by a generous donation to ICAP by Giuseppe Toso, FF Canada’s current president. This donation provided the funds to employ Alex Wall, the student archivist, for a 5-week period. Alex was familiar with these types of files since he completed Phase 1 of the ICAP Famee Furlane Toronto project in Summer 2022. Phase 1 of such projects comprises identifying, inventorying, and securing all associational documents into archival standard boxes and creating an online database.

The Federation office was well organized and contained a full collection of materials dating from the creation of the Federation in 1974. The collection comprises an extensive library (with numerous copies of publications), audio materials, and associational activity files in metal filing cabinets. Given the 5-week project deadline, the focus of the work was to secure the textual materials since they were the most at risk. To read the complete summary and explanation of the project,click ICAP 2023 ARCHIVING PROJECT--FINAL REPORT.

Mandi e grazie Enzo

La vita ci riserva molte opportunità e sorprese. Noi abbiamo avuto il privilegio di conoscere ed apprezzare Enzo Cainero prima ancora di averlo incontrato. Il Canada ed il Friuli si trovano sulle sponde opposte della grande aghe che è l’oceano, ma grazie al comune amico Claudio, queste distanze si sono azzerate e da alcuni anni avevamo intrapreso una fattiva collaborazione, come Federazione dei Fogolârs del Canada, in occasione delle tappe friulane del Giro d’Italia. Lo scorso anno a maggio, io Joe, ho poi avuto modo di incontralo personalmente, per la prima volta, ed apprezzarne la figura, in occasione dell’arrivo della tappa del Giro d’Italia a Castelmonte. Successivamente, a luglio, ho avuto il piacere di averlo tra gli invitati alla cena di chiusura del nostro 22° Congresso della Federazione in Friuli.

Oggi noi due, in suo ricordo, facciamo nostre le belle parole di chi lo ha voluto così ricordare:

"Ci lascia un uomo che nelle sue azioni ha sempre agito ed è stato animato da uno dei più grandi valori cristiani: la generosità verso tutti e la parola buona verso ognuno, sempre con tanta umiltà. Sapeva fare squadra e si metteva alla guida senza mai voler emergere, senza mai prevaricare, operando dietro le quinte in maniera infaticabile, in tutte le sue grandi imprese sportive e professionali. Enzo ha lavorato per il bene collettivo: con il suo profondo amore per la sua terra, con l'entusiasmo che ha contraddistinto tutta la sua vita, ci lascia dentro un seme che dobbiamo far germogliare. Perdiamo una guida valida, una persona che sapeva consigliare, spronare, unire: non sarà facile, ma cercheremo di essere all'altezza del suo operato"

Noi umilmente, nel nostro piccolo come Federazione dei Fogolârs del Canada, confermiamo che saremo vicini a quanti prenderanno in mano le tappe friulane del Giro d’Italia e, noi che abbiamo conosciuto la dura vita di emigrante, cercheremo di mettere in pratica uno dei suoi insegnamenti:

“Andare sempre avanti e non mollare, anche quando la salita è durissima”.

Mandi e grazie Enzo

Giuseppe Toso e Alberto De Rosa

Joe Toso, President of the Fogolâr Federation of Canada, awarded Premio Epifania

We are delighted to announce that on January 4th, 2023, Joe Toso, President of the Fogolâr Federation of Canada, was awarded the prestigious Premio Epifania in a ceremony held in the City of Tarcento.

The Premio Epifania was established 68 years ago.  Defined as the 'Cavalierato del Friuli', it is an award bestowed on people and /or institutions in recognition of work that has brought great prestige to theRegion of Friuli Venezia Giulia. This year three honorees were awarded the ‘Premio’: The historian, Ferruccio Tassin, writer, Ilaria Tuti, and Friulian-Canadian entrepreneur, Joe Toso of British Columbia .