WelcomeThe Fogolârs Federation of Canada is the connecting link between the Fogolârs/ Fameis throught the country. This link, and the ability of being of service to big and small communities, is the main purpose of this national association. The structure of the Federation can be visualized as a pyramid with the Fogolârs/ Fameis on top and the executives of the Federation at the base.

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Alla Famiglia di Pieri Pittaro,
La Federazione dei Fogolars del Canada, del suo Direttivo, ci uniamo al vostro dolore per il grave lutto che vi ha colpito. Vogliate accettare le nostre piu sentite condoglianze per la vostra grande perdita. Pieri era un grandissimo amico dei friulani del Canada, non lo dimenticheremo mai.

Giuseppe Toso

Bando Progetto Studiare in Friuli 2016-2017

The school Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono in Cividale is offering scholarships to study for one semester or one year in Friuli. 20 scholarships are being offered to descendants of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Ten scholarships are being offered to students from other parts of the world (not of FVG descent). Applicants should be between 14 and 18 years of age and should know some Italian.

The Convitto will pay room and board, laundry, school fees, books, services of a doctor, cultural initiatives in FVG, and recreation fees. 
Families are responsible for the costs of travel, health insurance, and other minor expenses. 
The deadline date for applications is March 31, 2016.

For more information, please download the documents below.

This may be an excellent learning opportunity for young people who have completed high school in Canada and wish to take a "leap year" before pursuing post secondary education.